BodyTalk Access is a one day class. Health empowerment in 10 minutes for everybody: Parents, Teachers, Nurses, Carers, Friends, Therapists…

Enhance and maintain the well-being of yourself and others. This popular course is open to anyone wishing to learn the basic self-balancing and first aid techniques within the BodyTalk System.

BodyTalk Access’ goal is to provide you with a simple set of energy-based techniques that might help you manage daily well-being challenges and maintain optimum health.

“The Access class with Eloise was brilliant and a fantastic introduction to the Bodytalk system. Eloise explains everything really clearly and has so much knowledge and experience of the Bodytalk techniques. There is lots of practical work and Eloise makes the class really fun, whilst also packing a lot of information in, I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

Bethan, Bristol 2015


This class is taught as a mixture of lecturing and lots of hands-on practical experience. You will learn how to apply the Access techniques to yourself and to others, and have some fun too!

You will learn 6 simple techniques that may manage and improve:

Brain Function & Performance, Memory, Concentration, Stress & anxiety, Relaxation, Well-being, Hydration, Circulation, Joint pain, Immune System, Fight Infections, Viruses, Allergies, Intolerances, Back Problems, Structural Integration, Coordination, Injuries, Emotional problems and more…

The techniques are:


This technique is designed to improve & balance the two halves of the brain. I always say it is like hitting the reset button on your PC! As the brain gets more efficient it improves the brain’s ability to heal the body.


When we are stressed we have a tendency to “switch”, normal brain coordination is compromised. The switching technique is designed to restore normal brain function. An extreme example of switching is a marathon runner hitting the wall! An everyday example if when we mean to turn left and we turn right when driving.


The body is 70-90% water – all physiological processes in the cells, nerves, organs & other structures depend on water to operate. We focus here on the body utilising the water, as it often forgets how! So the body can use the water available fully thus helping everyday functioning.


This technique is designed to stimulate the immune system of the body. Often viruses, bacteria & parasites are not effectively addressed by the body’s immune system due to other imbalances.


The integrity of the structure of the body is critical to a healthy, mobile life. The coordination of the muscles, balance of muscle tone, and the unrestricted flow of energy through the body are critical to healthy functioning at all levels of the bodymind complex.


We also teach the Fast Aid routine which is designed to offer support to the body when injury or emergencies occur.

To find my classes follow this link

A few years ago I came across BodyTalk when recovering from adrenal burnout. From all the healing modalities I used to recover from this condition I had got the best results with BodyTalk so when I heard about Access ,which provides a BodyTalk routine to use on yourself, I thought I could only benefit from attending it. I am so glad I did! I thoroughly enjoyed the course content, the venue was lovely and Eloise’s presentation was easy to understand and fun. Upon completion of the course we were given our 21 day challenge which involved using the routine daily. I diligently did this (twice a day when I could) and was amazed at the results.
For about a year I had been managing the development of arthritis in various ways and for the most part, with the exception of a few crystals in the toes on my right foot, it had eased up. The first week of my 21 day challenge though saw my arthritis begin to flare. By the second week I was walking with difficulty. This all though eased by the third week. By the fourth week pretty much all my arthritis symptoms had cleared including the the crystals in the toes on my right foot which had stubbornly refused to budge with any other method!
I have been so happy with these results I now continue to do my Access routine everyday, even though maintenance only requires it to be done thrice a week, and have recommended the course to my family and friends. I so enjoyed doing Access with Eloise I went on to do Mindscape with her which I have enjoyed as much. Eloise has a passion, depth and breadth to her knowledge which it is fascinating to be in the presence of. Both the courses I have done with Eloise are used intensively by her daily so she lives and breathes the knowledge she passes on, with a great deal of humour, making it easy and pleasant to be the recipient of this transformative learning.
For anyone interested in doing these courses … you are in safe hands with Eloise … and will laugh … a lot!
Monireh, 2018

“In November 2016 I attended a Bodytalk Access workshop with Eloise. I practiced the routine quasy daily over the following year and attended the occasional One to One bodytalk session. Although interested in energetic and vibrational medicine, i started off tapping with little expectation.  Very soon, i experienced body sensations, during my practice, like tingling or subtle change of pressure or tension. I could not explain these yet i experienced them as a confirmation something tangible was taking place. I always practiced in the evening prior to going to bed, and my sleep was always pleasantly restorative. After a few months, I noted my hands became warm and emanated heat during the tapping session. If i could not practice for a day or two, i missed the sessions. I felt they brought benefits, even if done very quickly (10 minutes or so…)!
The home practice seemed to have helped the One to One sessions to dwelling deep into re balancing. I do not understand how bodytalk works, or how the 1to1 affected me over the last year’s of regular practice. What I can say is I became happier and healthier in body and mind, with an increased state of balance, acceptance and understanding.
Bodytalk gently contributed to preparing my body and mind for the next stage of my life. It has fine tuned my body to feeling energy. I am now integrating Taoist practice, and they make sense, when they didn’t a few months ago.
It’s almost needless to add that Eloise’s caring, supportive, joyous and encouraging presence and ways is soothing and greatly contribute to the enjoyment of it all. The icing on the cake!
You have the opportunity to take your own health and progress in your hand with a simple daily practice. I recommend you try Bodytalk out if you’re interested.”
Elisabeth, 2018

Eloise taught it in a way that was very understandable and enjoyable. I learnt techniques that can improve my health and well being. I notice good changes within three weeks.
Sally, Devon 2017

“Thank you so much for the great day last Saturday. It was so much fun and much better than I expected. 🙂
Thank you so much again, you are a really good instructor and had the groups attention the whole time! :)”

Christine, London 2013

“Well, I must say, it is probably the best class I’ve taken in years and I’ve taken a few.

Eloise is fun, interesting and has a very in-depth knowledge of what she teaches. I felt involved in the class, I laughted, smiled, enjoyed the company of everyone and Eloise manage to just amaze me with how simple she made it all look. If you are looking to have a good Day and learn BodyTalk Access, I wouldn’t hesitate.”

Duncan, CBP Brighton 2013

“Thank you so much for such a great course last week, I thoroughly enjoyed it! The group were really lovely as well as fun!

I’m looking toward to doing the fundamentals course very soon!”

Kelly, London 2013

“Thanks again for clear, informative, well-structured and relaxed workshop. The practice of the BodyAccess is really helping my bodymind.”

Patricia, Brighton 2013

“i’ve very much enjoyed last sunday and been practicing assiduously since! ”

Amandine, Brighton 2013